
If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. I want to encourage comments and remarks, if you can associate with this blog, are not sure how to get back on the path God wants you to be, have been affected by sin, or just have questions, please comment or email me. You will never judged here, you will only find encouragement. I do not know why God has placed this BLOG and it's readers in my life, however I pray that it will help others to either help move back into the light, find some understanding or keep a family from suffering as mine has and is. I will faithfully follow through with this testament as God is using it for His glory. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

GOD Can Heal Physically & Spiritually

James 5:14-16, 14) Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. 15) Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven. 16) Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

Healing the sick and broken hearted is Gods specialty. He can heal any ailment you have, inside or out, yet there are a few components to these miracles. The biggest and first is, YOU. You MUST believe God is bigger than any illness, problem or issue you may be experiencing. If you can't or don't believe the odds of this blessing is very slim. Obviously, I do not know Gods plan for each of you, only He does. However scripture is very clear about believing and having faith. We must also praise our God for His works. He will heal your broken body to new, your broken heart to whole and your broken spirit will be realigned with Him. He will heal and restore your marriage, defeat your addictions, make your depression disappear forever and pull you from any pit. JUST BELIEVE, God is bigger than any problem in this world. Then once He heals you, share your testimony, this praises God and all His works. To be truly healed and healthy we must be not only physically healthy, but healthy in mind and spirit. God can get you there.

In the MSG version of James 5:15 (Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you've sinned, you'll be forgiven - healed inside and out.) it clearly highlights the "Believing-prayer" is needed for Jesus to restore you. The last part of that verse reminds us we can be healed "inside and out". Not to long ago I was involved in a group prayer for a brother who was facing cancer. The next day he went in and they discovered it was a bad diagnosis. What they believed to be cancer was something that could be simply healed. Just as this verse has very powerful words and cover a very broad scope. They do not say He can heal or might heal, or He will heal if you do this or give this. It never says you can't be healed or won't be healed. It clearly says "will heal you" if you do what? BELIEVE! God has healed a lot in my life, I stood, sometimes with questions, but I always believed. He is still working almost daily I can see new things and blessings He has bestowed on me. However I still am waiting for others, yet I do not doubt He will deliver on those also, in Jesus name. Our God is a great and awesome God. 

In these verses we are reminded to confess and be forgiven. Being forgiven is one big step to healing. This will heal your spirit and position you, so that God can work other miracles in your life. First, ask for forgiveness then remember to grant that same forgiveness to those in your life who need it. Mark 11:25, "first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too." If you notice I did not say "deserve it", that is why it is called Grace. Remember God tells us we must forgive to be forgiven, as He does for us, without this we cannot receive Gods blessings. So let God heal your heart, through forgiveness, and this will also make your spirit happy. I was speaking to a friend today and he advised me that he now feels God is starting to bless him in his life. About a month ago he had said just the opposite and during our discussion it was revealed he had some negative thoughts towards his ex-wife. We discussed those and he later forgave her. Now God is free to work in his life. My friends spirit is healed and it reflects in his everyday appearance and attitude. Now there is even a hint of restoration of that relationship after many years of divorce.. I thank God that we have the ability to receive these types blessings. So if God can raise the dead (literally) then I believe raising a dead relationship is clearly within His realm, don't you? (John 11:43-44, Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” And the dead man came out,)

Verse 16 is the key I believe. It tells us to confess to one another, this has multiple effects in our lives. It goes on to say the the "earnest prayer of a righteous person" has great results. The MSG version says this "The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with." WOW! Pretty clear right? Do you think the enemy is afraid of this person? Do you want to be this person? I know I strive to be that person. I fight everyday to be what God has destined me to be. I know I am a warrior in His fight. But I feel led to be more than just a warrior. He wants me to lead in this war. So I pray daily for God to guide me and strengthen me into this role. He will deliver me and I am looking forward to it. I know there are some who are blinded and cannot see my path or deliverance from my own choices through Jesus Christ. To those I say, watch and see. Others have taken up arms, donned their swords and armor, and surrounded me as they see what is to come. They believe and that is half the battle. I believe God can deliver us from anything. No matter how dark or bad it seems, God will be the victor. I choose God therefore I will also stand in victory, He promises this. So which side do you choose? Your fight will not be easy, it will not be the popular choice. But it will be the righteous one. Will you stand with me? Or are you going to stand alone? If your not standing with God, you will stand alone. Do you want to be healed? Follow these healing verses and watch God change your life, just as he has in my friends life he can bless yours. 

Do you have a testimony? I ask that you share it (anonymously if necessary) in the comment section here. There are others who would benefit from your witness. This blog is being read in over 50 countries now. Many of these are countries where imminent harm can come to those reading it for looking at Christian material. PRAISE GOD.  They are curious for a reason, so let us show them how powerful Jesus Christ is in our lives by sharing. 

Let's Pray: Father God, we come to You on another glorious day Father, in which You work miracle after miracle. Father we ask that You forgive each of us for our sins Father. We thank You for the Grace you extend to each of us. Father there are many, who simply by reading this, can be in harms way. Father protect those and their families. Father there are others who are in need of healing. We ask that you meet each need whether it is a healing of their own heart, body or spirit, or for a Loved one. We know if we ask in Jesus name and BELIEVE, that You will answer these requests Father. We praise You for all that You do Father and we are all blessed to call You our Father in Heaven. We pray for others Father who either have no one to pray for them or simply haven't found the strength pray for healing. Father we pray for them and ask that your healing hands reach each and every one of these people in need. Thank You God for all that You do and we ask all of this in Your son Jesus sweet and powerful name....AMEN.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was reading this I kept thinking when you said Believe and Have faith in him that he can heal...Wanted to share this...Well at the retreat I attended last weekend an amazing word was brought... called ⚓An Anchored Mind ⚓ To start off, the definition of an anchor is to fix or fasten firmly. Our Vessel is our bodies, which are supposed to be our sacrifice to God, and the weight that is tied to your vessel will either Sastain you or DESTROY you... She then began to talk about How to get your mind anchored... Im gonna throw some scriptures at you, however I am not quoting them exactly as written...1Peter 1:13-you can't gurd up the loins w/o recieving the revelation of Jesus Christ first...BIND UP YOUR MIND!! Matthew 22:37 Love the Lord with all your heart MIND and soul... Romans 12:2 was a good one brought out too- be ye TANSFORMED NOT CONFORMED. We must renew our minds aggienaustin... Isiah 26:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee". She then bagan to say THE KEY TO ANCHORING YOUR MIND, finding peace, IS TO STOP SPEAKING YOUR MIND! Proverbs 18:21 Death and life is in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. we must take control of our minds, the things we say the people we are arround... but more importantly is God is powerful speak things, claim them! he said Let there be light and there was light, cast demons into the swine just by speaking healing JUST BY SAYING WORDS! CLaim things out loud! I was praying and I said I will be a light to shine for God at my new job and it will be an awesome day and Ill move up quickly... And what can I say- God Is good!! but also remember God has his timing in things too! and his is ALWAYS RIGHT! Take your problems to God he is better than any dr., therapist, etc. God is my best friend, take your problems to him, he will take care of them!Joel 3:10 says Now let the weak say I AM STRONG... aggienaustin, did david look at goliath and say OMG hes huge? NO- dont make your problems huge... our GOD is bigger than any problems you and I have! Im kind of all over the place but just know your not alone... Give it to God, know that you have an amazing daughter behind you and that she loves you with all her heart she cares for you more now than ever and because of her growth in God and you reaching for her yall are closer than youve ever me;) I know... and I dont know if my randomness of this comment confused you or helped I pray that you get something from it like I did, bottom line is yes God can Heal Physically and spiritually...and EMOTIONALLY! Give it all to him, Anchor yourself and your mind in him and his word, he will make sure the storm doesnt sink or destroy your sink or vessel... With Love, God bless! Good Night!