
If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. I want to encourage comments and remarks, if you can associate with this blog, are not sure how to get back on the path God wants you to be, have been affected by sin, or just have questions, please comment or email me. You will never judged here, you will only find encouragement. I do not know why God has placed this BLOG and it's readers in my life, however I pray that it will help others to either help move back into the light, find some understanding or keep a family from suffering as mine has and is. I will faithfully follow through with this testament as God is using it for His glory. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Did I really Hear God?

One of the things I struggled with and I am sure many of you have also, is first listening for Gods response, but also knowing for sure what you hear or see is from God. So I look for validation in what I hear, see or feel. So last night at church, the message was literally, hearing from God. Now I started notes earlier yesterday preparing for this blog. Last night God turned my attention from a really tough moment in my life and told me He was listening to me. He validated this blog and what I am writing, through that message from the Pastor. He knew my heart was hurting and he used the message to let me know, I have His attention. I Love our God. He is so understanding and faithful.

So in yesterdays blog, I wrote that God led me to extend an offer to go to counseling with me and either she would respond positively or not. Well she did not answer the request yet but she did advise me she was leaning toward divorce. Now I do not pretend to know what God is speaking to her. That is between her and God. I can only say, that God has shown me on several occasions that our marriage will be restored. How did he reveal this and how do I know so positively in this matter? Today I will share the different ways God has not only spoke or showed me things but how he might be speaking to you.

First let me borrow a few tidbits of solid advice given to me from the sermon last night and a few other resources.  When we listen for Gods response in can come in many forms, however we must be very careful to not be persuaded by outside influences, i.e., people (friends & family), radio, social media, tv, etc....Now with that said, I get some of my best validation through some of these sources but in most every case, scripture has already spoken to me and shown me Gods decision on the matter. The flesh for some reason doesn't always agree with the heart and can take things on faith, so at times we need some other form of validation or reinforcement. You also want to be careful not to be the man who missed the truck, boat and helicopter either.

God can speak in a few ways: constantly being reminded of something through thought, circumstances or even other peoples actions or words, through dreams and visions and  through scripture. Now remember the Holy Spirit must be invoked in you or you will be deaf to His word and all of this will mean nothing. So how do I know my marriage will be restored? First when i started researching forgiveness, hope, faith, marriage, husband, wife, etc.. in the scripture. The very first verse i came across was Malachi 2:16, "I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel. Before and during this time I was praying that God protect my family, even from me if it came to that. I never wanted to hurt them again. So I prayed that if my marriage was not meant to be, for Him not to even let it move in that direction. Well everywhere I am being validate by this scripture. Then things started happening. We were surrounded by Christian people who had all restored their marriages through Christ. We were being supported and lifted up from every angle and direction. For a few months this continued. During this time, I had a dream (vision), vivid as any I have ever had that my marriage was not only restored. But is was so powerfully strong. Starting the next day, the validations came. Even on Sunday the message delivered by the pastor had a verbatim statement that was in my dream. The radio had another, the scripture that I was being led to was all in support of this dream or vision. After a few months, we had made tremendous headway, I could feel the enemy creeping in. He saw the power working in our home, I prayed harder and harder, pouring into my family, pouring into my wife and marriage. One by one he was gaining strength through deception and turning my wife's hurt to hatred and anger. God is still speaking to me even today. He assures me to stand firm and I will weather this storm. God shows me her heart through the hurt and confusion. In His supernatural way he is allowing me to see that she still Loves me. I am blessed as before I would only be able to see the hurt on the surface level which my reaction to that would invite the enemy. However, we will be victorious in this marriage and Satan, well I have a few words for him (Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.). I will not go away quietly or back down. I will not give up and I know one day he will have to let go, because my God will force him to. Until that day I am to wait patiently. Now some of you will say the Bible it allows divorce for adultery, as a choice. Be careful of that trap too, there are many many more scriptures to support God wanting you to stay married then the select few on why you can divorce. Notice this next statement, choose wisely and remember to ask not just yourself, but impartial Christians could weigh in also using Gods word to help you heal. You will not heal just because you divorce and divorce is a choice not the requirement.

Gods voice is a powerful thing, as in the past I would have walked away and been part of that choice. In the past I would have caved on many occasions to the worldly response and let Satan win. I refuse, as should you. Stand for what you believe. Be still and listen for God to speak to your heart. If you do, the Holy Spirit will come to you. It may only be a whisper, but you will hear it (1 Kings 19:12-13 After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.). It will never be a message of death, only life so do not be fooled or tricked. 2 Corinthians 11:14“…for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” Jesus tells us his essence, John 8:44 “’He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.’” 

God want us to hear him, He wants you to feel his Love and forgiveness. Find a quiet place, pray and listen for Gods response. If you do not hear it right then, keep your heart open as he will speak into you and you must be ready. Don't get frustrated, do a little research. That may help you also. Speak to your Pastor, Priest or Minister. No matter what is happening in your life, look to God, listen to God and choose words that's reveal life not death. You may have to step away from some people as they could unwillingly speak poison into your life. Remember pain will not be healed by walking away. You must face it and it will not be easy. It will however be easier with God in your corner speaking life and not the enemy speaking death. I can speak from both sides of that issue.

Lets Pray: Father God, thank you for speaking to us, thank you for guiding us through the hills and valleys of life. Lord we ask that you forgive us of our sins Lord. Jesus we are so thankful your Love is given freely and that you fill our cups until they runneth over. Father, we use this Love to Love those around us. Father we will continue to Love our spouses no matter what the enemy attempts to speak. We know it is him rearing his head and speaking of darkness and death. Lord we ask that your Holy Spirit speaks into our spouses hearts directly Lord. Let them see our hearts and know we are standing here filled with the Love of our Father. We will not be persuaded by the enemy. We will not let the poisons infect our flesh. We will listen to you God and heed your words. Father I give it all to you. I give you my family, my life and my praise as I know you will take care of them. And Father I know if you find me worthy you will return them to me as you have shown me in my vision. Father you can see in our hearts, Lord show our hearts to those around us who need the life injected back into them. Father we do not pretend to know your plan, however we know all through the scriptures you speak of Love above all else. Father use our Love to reunite the ones we Love with us in marriage. Restore those we have mistreated, squandered, disrespected, etc...and show them that with you, we will not travel those lonely roads again. That you will protect them. You will heal them while showing them their marriages can work. Just let you work and I know we will stop so many generational curses. Father we cannot do this without you, so please speak to all of us Lord and Father thank you for all that you do in our lives. In Jesus name I pray...AMEN.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will refer all readers to this scripture about divorce...
Matthew 19:8
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended."
Divorce is a man-made method, as a concession to your hard hearts...the scripture goes on to say it is ADULTERY...I will then refer to the 10 commandments...this is not a confusing idea...unless you make it difficult OR are running from something else in your own life...address your issues, rather than running away, it will catch you!