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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fellowship, What does it mean?

Matthew 18:20, For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them." Fellowship, the Greek translation of “koinonia,”or "to hold something in common." I believe we could define it as "a relationship of inner unity among believers that expresses itself in outer co-participation with Christ and one another in accomplishing God’s will on earth." In other words sharing time with fellow Christians so that we may lean, stretch, confess or just share with others who think and feel as we do. Jesus gathered to share many meals throughout the scripture (Acts 2:42, "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."). He believed in fellowship as much then as we should today.

When we gather together as Christians, we have fellowship. This is very important for us as Christians. Surrounding ourselves with others of the same beliefs. For me, my male Christian friends all have a vested interest in not just me, they want the best for my family and my relationship with God. During fellowship we share, study, eat, lift up, confess, confide, lean on, mentor, praise, comfort, check, etc.. each other . That is our role as Christian brothers. I really appreciate the role each plays in my life and only hope that my role to them is as important. They will let me know if I am out of bounds or not, lift me up when I fall down and help me in my daily walk with Christ. They pray with and for me. They are definitely spiritual warriors guarding my flanks. We laugh, cry and address the serious issues when needed.

As married Christians we should also fellowship as couples (Philippians 2:1-2, "Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose."). We should surround ourselves with those who are walking our same walk. Not necessarily the exact circumstances, but those on the same path with Christ. We tend to not pay attention to these details, however they are very important. The influences on our paths are so easily influenced, that our company we keep can make or break us. For instance, if we hang out with party animals, we will probably end up following the lifestyle ourselves. If we share time with other Christians, then our actions and behaviors tend to be of good moral character.

When our relationships, either with family or God, are losing stability we cannot afford to allow the other influences to effect our future as the enemy lies in wait in these influences. For instance, being separated I could surround myself with just my family and other friends who have a single vested Not my family, as they may care for them, they know and Love me. So they will, in their own way attempt to lift me up, even if it is not Christ like. They may suggest to grab a beer or worse even the possibility of divorce. Where my Christian friends have a vested interest in our family intact. They pray we are restored by the power of Christ. Their common goal is to support us both through the process and speak the Holy Spirit into us. Even my situation legally, they know the details, yet they lift up a positive solution and turn my heart to God for a positive outcome. We cannot be drawn into, especially in our vulnerable states, the hidden pitfalls of being confidants to others who are struggling without God. They can speak negative thoughts into us which begins to multiply like a virus. This allows the Devil to breed discontent and hate into our hearts, instead of Love and forgiveness.So be careful of this poison.

Today, while my wife traveled to meet a friend of hers and go camping for the night, I spent the day with three brothers in Christ. They day wasn't filled with intense study or prayer or even deep thoughts. Just good food, sharing of ideals and issues and the lifting of each other. I came away filled with Love and respect for these three men as God moved through us today filling our hearts with Love and compassion. I thank God for the chance to be part of that gathering as it was inspiring. God used them to fill my cup until it overflowed. He used them to take my mind off all the other woes in life right now. He used them to pull me in tight and know remind me, I am not alone. So to the three men I shared the day with, Thank You and I know God has huge plans for all of you. You are all anointed in ways that I can only hope to mirror one day. 

Lets pray: Father God, Thank you for all of the Christians you place in our lives and the opportunities to fellowship with them and with You. Thank you for using the fellowship to influence my life and that of my family in a positive manner. Lord thank you for the Love you continue to inject into my heart and soul. You have a plan and I know that plan will be a blessing , not just in my life but those around me. Lord I pray that we make choices that are Christ like from this day forth. That we surround ourselves with Your faithful followers and that we share You as the common bond and thread. I pray you use all of those brethren to fill the hearts of each other so that they may feel the Holy Spirit move in their lives. I pray that Satan loses all footholds who follow you and my family also. Jesus I ask you remove those who may speak evil or discontent in our lives and Lord that you wash away all doubts and negative thoughts that may be brewing in hearts today. That you replace those with uplifting feelings of restoration and success while surrounding us with Godly people speaking Your word and teachings. Father we know you only want good in our lives, and we are willing to not only serve you and the Kingdom, but to serve our fellow Christians as we are called to do. Thank you for the miracles you work in all of us and we pray for the ones to come. God thank you for all you do in our lives, in Jesus name...Amen

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