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Friday, May 25, 2012

Marriage needing a Miracle

Malachi 2:16 "For I hate divorce!" says the LORD, the God of Israel. "To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty," says the LORD of Heaven's Armies. "So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife."

In Malachi 2, God advises us to keep His spirit and allow him to control our lives. When we don't then we struggle with all of the evils around us. Today I am struggling as my wife told me last night that due to my sin, she can't see us moving forward as husband and wife. Clearly this scripture defines that it's not an option. However the enemy is using this as a chance to attack us once again.

So after almost a full night of prayer, I was in my mens prayer group this morning and the book of Daniel was the focus of study. The subject was the power of prayer, how fitting right? Daniel 9:1-14, describes Daniel pleading not for himself but for Israel. To ask God to lift his wrath and show his tender mercies. Well Gabriel told Daniel, God started answering his prayers as soon as Daniel started praying. What a compassionate God we serve. Daniel just stepped up, submitted and before he could even expect and answer God was already working. So this morning, I, like Daniel of old am asking God to show his mercy on my marriage. To calm the mind and heart of my wife, to give her peace, to show her Love abundantly, so she then can find her Love for me once again. Matthew 21:22, ("You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it."), reminds us that we must just believe, then ask God for that which matters most and he will hear and answer. God knows my heart, i have asked in prayer, now i must wait (get out of the way) and let him work.

When we have sinned against not only our God, but those who Love us, the offense cuts deep. God will forgive us, however our Loved ones are a little slow to show their mercies. Meantime if we are not careful we will continue to offend them and destroy all we and God is working for. Our shame and guilt will also be a sharp dagger that continues to hurt us again and again. This time of healing is a slippery slope. See the enemy is going to do all he can do to stop this healing, he doesn't want your marriage healed, as that will anger God if you fail. He doesn't want you to receive forgiveness as this will then place the offended under Gods wrath also. So now Satan wins another battle. The enemy Loves for us to think something is too great for God to solve. He thrives on the words, I can't, I don't think it will work, I'm not sure I can do this, we can't, it hurts too much, the pain is too great, etc...These words give strength to the enemy. STOP....start using words that win, words of praise, words of promise and power, invoke Gods promises, invoke the power of the Kingdom, use prayer which grants you the arsenal of Heaven to accomplish and overcome ANY obstacle in your path.

Marriage without God, is utterly doomed. I am not saying it will fail in every case, but it will be so troubled and difficult that only the fittest will survive. We look around us and when things get tough people just divorce, they worry what other will say if they don't. They don't trust God will get them through. They lack the fortitude to continue fighting, yet all the help they need is a prayer away. He will not overwhelm you, ask for his help. He will reward you in more ways than you can imagine. Ask for what you need and be sure to ask for his forgiveness. We serve a merciful God. He unlike us, can forgive in a moment. We have to process the emotions, etc...Your wishing we could be more like God in these moments, well your not alone. I believe we can, if we just stretch to Him and ask for his help in doing so, he will expedite the healing so we can glorify Him with another praising testimonial to his Glory. So if you haven't prayed today, this week, this month, drop down right now, do not wait another minute. Profess with your mouth our sincere faith and confess your sins. Ask our almighty God for our help and then watch what he does. You will be blessed in ways you never imagined. I am waiting patiently for my blessings. I feel the power of Jesus working and I am letting him have it all.

Lets Pray: Our Heavenly Father, please hear our prayers Lord. Hear our confessions, hear how we profess our Love to you. Hear us as we bear our souls and give them to you Lord. You already know whats in our hearts, your just waiting for us to ask. Lord today we ask, heal those in need, hear all who ask for your mercy, your guidance, your intervention and your healing , Lord. Father we are but a speck in the big picture, but we know you hear each and every prayer. Lord reach down and cover us in the Holy Spirit, guide us to redemption. Restore hearts, relationships, marriages, families and all who are broken. God we worship your almighty power and praise all that you do in our lives. We look forward to one day walking in the streets of Heaven. But Lord right now, today, we ask for your help. We ask that you hear our prayers, use your healing, merciful powers to bring some joy and Love back to this generation. Lord we may not be deserving, yet you sacrificed your son so that we may be saved and earn your blessings and grace. SO Lord cover all those today who are hurting, sick, cant see the light for the darkness. Lord some of the sheep have lost their way and need you to guide them back. Fill their cups abundantly with your Love so they may Love others.Continue to fill our cup so that we can also share Love. Thank you O God for all that you do...Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ephesians 3:20
"He is able to do, exceeding abundantly, above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us."