
If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. I want to encourage comments and remarks, if you can associate with this blog, are not sure how to get back on the path God wants you to be, have been affected by sin, or just have questions, please comment or email me. You will never judged here, you will only find encouragement. I do not know why God has placed this BLOG and it's readers in my life, however I pray that it will help others to either help move back into the light, find some understanding or keep a family from suffering as mine has and is. I will faithfully follow through with this testament as God is using it for His glory. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You are Not Alone

This week has been filled with wonderful things in my life. One of the greatest has been other men reaching out to me to confess their sins or sharing their stories.(James 5:16, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.")  I too shared mine with them and as I found in the past, it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted. The power of the sin is diminished and freedom takes over. Gods’ gifts and promises are being fulfilled.

It doesn't matter what you are going through or what you are feeling, I promise there are others out there who share your exact issues. As a Christian I am open to hear out my brothers in Christ and pray with them. As they are there for me too. This is something we should do freely and without judgment while only showing our Love in return. The biggest opposition to doing this is ourselves. Allowing the enemy to enter our thoughts and tell us we can't share these things. If we did no one would understand, care or even Love us, for how could they when we have done something so terrible. Well brother let me tell you, this is called shame and guilt. If you let the enemy continue that stronghold, it will only get worse, as will the sin. You will end up in a deep dark hole with no apparent way out. I was fortunate in a way. God found me, broken, ashamed, alone and abandoned in a jail cell. Now don't get me wrong, my actions absolutely landed me there. But had I heeded the preceding warning, it could and I believe would have, been very different. I just needed to take that first step and stop listening to the Devil.

You may or may not be walking with God when having these issues. This happens to believers and unbelievers alike. If you are an unbeliever, well I feel you need to reach out, not tomorrow, not after dinner, NOW. It is that important. If you are a believer, you may need to follow the same advice.  Prayer alone probably isn't bringing the solution or satisfaction to your problems or issues. Now remember, it is important that you reach out to Christian brothers and sisters. That way they can sew into you and plant seeds of healing and growth, using Biblical principles and faith. A Pastor, Minister or Priest can help you find mentors also. The last thing you need in your life right now is condemnation, judgment or poison being spoken to you. This is a pivotal time in which you need God to lift you up and deliver you and He will do this mostly by using those he surrounds you with. Now I'm not saying this will be easy, I am saying will be a whole lot easier than the alternative (i.e. divorce, separation, job loss, losing your children, etc..). You will need to be open and honest, not just with yourself but with those surrounding you. If you’re a couple, then you will need the same for support. There will be times when you as a husband or wife will need that one on one with your brethren and then times will call for couple to couple. Just be sure to not shut your spouse out of this process. Eventually she/he will need to share in the healing process and you will find they will most likely be a willing participant.

This will be one of the toughest things you will ever do. I know, as it was for me. Now I can share my story almost anytime. I couldn't share with my wife, mother, father, friends, no one. I didn't even know how to start let alone discuss my issues. I was everyone's rock yet had none of my own to lean on, now I only have to pick up my phone and I will be surrounded by many rocks of support. All breathing life into me. Not that I am proud of my past, but I know the story has power and may help others to not share my same fate. That is the reason for this blog. (Genesis 12:2,"I will bless you, and you will be a blessing to others.) It allows you the reader to read about serious life issues and connect with them in some way. So you know you are not alone and that with God, you can get through it and be healed. You must give God the opportunity to work on it though. Otherwise the end result is on you and your choice got you there. Not the offense, the pain, the issue, problem, disease,'s all in the choice. Either you can let God restore, recover or lift up the issue(s), or suffer by choosing to carry the pain by choice. God can and will heal you, your marriage and your relationships. God can and will restore you, your marriage and your relationships. Just lift the issues up, allow God to work and give Him time. Allow him to inject his emissaries in your path and breathe life back into you and your loved ones.

Let’s Pray: Father, thank you for letting me share these words. Please help them find their purpose in those who need them. Lord help those suffering needlessly as all they need is You and Your word Lord. Jesus we pray that You allow us to be open as Christians to those around us. Father we ask you show us how to serve others and promote your kingdom. God please let those who are struggling, find wisdom in your Word and even this blog. Lord we thank you for all that you do and your unconditional Love. Father we as children need you and all that you offer us. We also need support from those around us, Lord allow those who Love us to step up, see the role they play and follow you in pursuing the role. Father I know that standing up and reaching out is one of the most difficult things ever to do. We feel like no one could possibly understand. Lord I know now this is not the case. Lord I pray that the husbands and wives lift each other up no matter what they are facing. Father I ask for you to intercede in the thoughts of divorce out there and show them you are there and can help if they just trust. We know you are all powerful and yet our flesh and the enemy wants us to believe different. God there are many who need your shield around them and a double dose of the Holy Spirit. Father please provide that and Father thank you for those who not only shared this week, but those who listen. Lord please convict the hearts of those who need to share, to stop them in the path they are traveling down. Lord allow them to see there is a better way and not only understanding but Love waiting for them. In You all is possible, Thank you Father God for all that you have done, all that you do and all that you will do. In Jesus name we pray....Amen.

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