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Saturday, August 11, 2012

REBUILDING: Carefully Moving Forward

"You send away what you should draw close because of how you perceive your situation!" - T.D. Jakes

How many of us do this? We are so hurt, we push those away God has sent to us? I think Bishop Jakes hit the nail on the head today, in that we need to stop feeling sorry for our selves and step up and "Handle Problems" as he said. God will send us help to either learn from or help to get through the tough battles. We send others away when we "wish we could do it over". According to Bishop Jakes, "we send them away because we have to work to hard to win our dreams" and "our time has passed." These are the excuses we allow ourselves to believe. 

God wants us to stand up and manage our issues. It is never too late for a miracle. Look at Abraham, 99 years old and God allowed him to create another child. He questioned God, blocking his blessing, until he understood and stood on Faith. Then God did as he promised and blessed Abraham. Abraham had thought his season had passed and asked why God didn't come to him when he was younger. The problem is simply perspective. We are killing our own dreams and blessings through our own perceptions and lack of understanding. Why is this happening? What do I do now? How can I ever get through this? How can this ever be restored? I cannot handle the pain anymore....Is God planting these thoughts in our head? Of course not, it reeks of death and destruction, therefore it can only come from one direction, the enemy. John 10:10, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

So we must carefully ask God to guide us in our path, listen for Him. We need to stand and make positive decisions based on Faith, scripture and not our own understanding. If God is sending us many people with the same message and its backed by scripture or confirmation from clergy, then maybe we should listen. Psalm 57:3, He will send help from heaven to rescue me, disgracing those who hound me. Interlude My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness. The enemy will have his voice and he will have a few messengers too. Yet most of us will still ignore the overwhelming many and God and choose the few out of our own fear, perceptions and believing our time has passed. Don't fall into that trap. God has a destiny for you, choose to listen and stand on Faith that we probably will not understand. "God will call you to something and grow you into it" (TD Jakes). So listen for the call and trust in God to Grow into it, move forward slowly and carefully. 

Let's Pray: Father God, Thank You for a great men's conference (Manpower 2012) and the inspiring words of Bishop Jakes. Father allow us as men to grab a hold of that wisdom and use it to promote Your Kingdom Father. We want to be blessed like Abraham Father. We choose to stand on Faith for You to guide our lives into that promotion, job, restoration, healing and any other need that needs to be met Father. Father want nothing more then to open our arms to those You send to us, and we want to hear their message You have sent through them. We want to accept their help. Father please forgive us for our sins and missing the many messengers you may have sent before. We are listening now Father, we are standing with open hearts and arms. Father Thank You for all that You do in our lives and Thank You for Your son Jesus Christ, without Him we couldn't have this relationship with You and so we ask all this in His name....AMEN.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And a break through has been made! Dear heavenly father we thank you for this Brother's break through all honor and glory is truly yours! We also ask that you continue to bless the Pastoral team who put on ManPower 2012, chase them down with many more blessings!