
If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. I want to encourage comments and remarks, if you can associate with this blog, are not sure how to get back on the path God wants you to be, have been affected by sin, or just have questions, please comment or email me. You will never judged here, you will only find encouragement. I do not know why God has placed this BLOG and it's readers in my life, however I pray that it will help others to either help move back into the light, find some understanding or keep a family from suffering as mine has and is. I will faithfully follow through with this testament as God is using it for His glory. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

REBUILDING: Dancing in the Storm

1 Pet 4:16  ... if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

Giving praise to God even in the midst of the storm. I know all too much how difficult this can be at times. We have an uncanny ability to have a "pity party" in times of distress. Instead we should take inventory of what we do have, praising God of for this and trusting in Him for the rest.I have taken the stance to Dance for God in the Storms rather than give in to the enemy, will you Stand, Believe, Praise, Dance and Fight with me?

Today I discovered a statistic while reading an article that gave me mixed feelings, as I fit in this "category". I was reading an article about a high murder rate amongst the homeless population of Austin. While that concerned me a little, the sheer number of homeless concerned me more and really made me feel blessed all at the same time. The estimated homeless in Austin, Tx. is staggering 5800 people. Most sleep literally on the streets. Leviticus 25:36-36 “If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself with you, you shall support him as though he were a stranger and a sojourner, and he shall live with you. Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you. I am technically homeless, yet I am blessed as I have a vehicle to sleep in, so I have a little shelter. Now I am also blessed to be able to meet and minister to a lot of this population. I find so many different stories and reasons they are homeless. Most often has been some sort of relationship break up due to any number of reasons. With limited work or funds, most are left with little choices and no where to turn. I see God working wonderful works with these people even though they have far less than most. Psalm 66:8-12 Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.

I tell you this story, not for pity or charity, but so that you may look inward at your own life. Then evaluate what you do have in comparison to where you could be and rejoice by praising God for all that you are blessed with, i.e. Wife, Family, Home, Job, Vehicle, etc... We must look at these times as the "glass half full" instead of the alternative. Our suffering could be much worse and in some cases may get worse, yet God is there. All we must do, even though we do not understand why we are going through this time, is have Faith in God that He will see you through this storm and season. Romans 8:18, I think that what we suffer in this life can never be compared to the glory, as yet unrevealed, which is waiting for us... You will not only be stronger afterwards, but more prepared for the next season of your life. In this you will find your blessings God will deliver upon you.

If you are in the middle of sin, STOP NOW and lift your life and issues to God. It doesn't matter what the sin is, turn it over to God and let Him restore you to what He wants you to be. Your Wife, Family, Coworkers and Friends will thank you for your decision. What you may face could be difficult, but the alternative is almost unbearable. 2 Timothy 3:12 Persecution is inevitable for those who are determined to live really Christian lives. In all cases stop and thank God for all of His Glory and Love and the opportunity to be forgiven due to the blood of Christ. God sacrificed everything for us, so for us to praise Him for all he has already done is a small small cost to you and I. 

When the seasons change and the storms come, turn up the music and share with me in dancing for the Glory of God. 2 Samuel 6:14, And David danced before the LORD with all his might… Praise Him for the blood of the Lamb and all the things we do have. Give God the Honour He deserves and be prepared, as the blessings will start bringing change to your life.

Let's Pray: Father God, we come to You today dancing in Your Honour Father. Thank You for all You are and all You do for us Father. Please grant us forgiveness for our sins Father and we ask for those who may be still caught up in Sin that You reach them Father. Give them the strength to turn it all over to You and then praise and Glorify You Father. Father help each of us do an inventory of our lives and be truly thankful to You for what we do have. Father, we have all suffered and some more than others, but Father we ask You to help guide us from our current storms and look to You for help through this season. We want to Glorify You Father in all that we do. Father we ask you watch over all of those who are less fortunate in this world, allow them to find You and discover what You can do in their lives Father. Father we ask all of this in Jesus name...AMEN.

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