
If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. I want to encourage comments and remarks, if you can associate with this blog, are not sure how to get back on the path God wants you to be, have been affected by sin, or just have questions, please comment or email me. You will never judged here, you will only find encouragement. I do not know why God has placed this BLOG and it's readers in my life, however I pray that it will help others to either help move back into the light, find some understanding or keep a family from suffering as mine has and is. I will faithfully follow through with this testament as God is using it for His glory. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Call for Help

Yesterday I wrote about the enemy attacking when we least expect it and how he was attacking those all around me as he could not get to me. Well today I am being led to write about what to do when you need help or when others reach out to you for help and some biblical principles that support these cries for assistance. I will start with two scriptures, the first supporting the asking God for help and the second supporting your christian brethren reaching out to you.

Psalm 18:6, In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.

Romans 15:1, We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 

As men too often we do not call upon the Lord for help, when he should be our first cry. As a man sometimes it is as simple as pride getting in the way. Psalm 10:4, "In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God." There is no room for this type of pride in a Christians life. Let go of it and do as God designed and reach out in prayer. Whether we are seeking help for ourselves or those around us, we lift it all to our Father in Heaven and he will see to these needs. Matthew 21:22, And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

God wants us to be vessels of understanding. Understanding that when we have needs, we reach to Him and when others are directed to us with needs, that we glorify Him by helping those suffering. Matthew 10:8, "You received without paying; give without pay"  Yesterday many reached out to me, as in the days prior, and my sole purpose was to listen, comfort and pray with or for them. Proverbs 15:1, "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." God has blessed me in so many ways and he continues to do so daily. I may not understand why certain things are happening or why others are reaching to me, but I do know God is allowing them to do this and that gives me a sense of purpose. For instance, I prayed to serve and this blog is my way of doing that and it has really taken off, it already has readers from all over the world and a rising number of hits daily. I never imagined God using me to help others, let alone writing a blog to reach them. Exodus 4:12, "Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” God is using this blog to reach those in need and if it helps just one person, then all the research, prayer and time invested is worth it.

We must be careful when helping others or when we are receiving help from others to not offend or be offended. As these are emotional times and there will also be instances in which we will receive or give honest Biblical advice that the other person may not want to hear. Yet God has placed this person(s) in our life for a reason, therefore their message has purpose too, even if they are misunderstood as being accusatory or appears to be out of line. These messages are usually wake up calls in which God is trying to get our attention. So listen, hold your tongue and follow up the event with prayer and let God work.

In the flesh we err in many ways, I feel as Christians our biggest err is asking God for help, then either not listening or dismissing his answers when they come as they may not fit our plans. Jeremiah 1:12, "I am ready to perform My Word." I like this scripture because of the one key reference, He is ready to perform His "WORD." Doesn't that make it all clear regarding prayer and our plans? No? Ok, let me give you an example, two days ago I wrote on marriage and divorce. For a Christian divorce isn't even an option that is available, according to the Word. So Gods will according to His Word, is working on healing your marriage. We must however be open to the answers he is providing even if they are through His emissaries. See God will answer prayers, yet they will be according to scripture and His will not ours. He hates divorce, this is clearly stated. Just as he forgives our sin, as promised in scriptures, he will heal our marriages as promised also. He will heal our bodies, remove our addictions, lift us up to be better fathers, husbands and yes even help us become better Christians. He will transform us and our lives as he promises all this in the Bible.

In the past, I chose not to Honor my wife or family and not to obey Gods laws. I chose a path of destruction that I wish upon no man or his family. Yet God is blessing me daily with Godly people, surrounding my family and myself. With the ability to see my family and know God is working to restore Us as he has promised. I have been forgiven by him, my wife is trying to follow in that path too. Not because I am not guilty of these offenses, but because I am. If it not for the Blood of the Lamb none of this would be possible. God would not listen to me, yet he takes mercy on me and my family and we just ask for this in prayer and believe he can do these things as he says he will. I fell into a bottomless pit and God pulled me out. The enemy is not happy with me or those around me at the moment. As each day I win another battle for the Kingdom through prayer and trust. I now choose, even though at a distance, to honor my wife and family. I pray for them daily. I do all I can do from afar until I can do them in person and I will do this no matter what, for the rest of my life. I have Gods promise that all will restored as long as I remain faithful in Him. This, is my faith in Gods Word and answers to my prayers.

There is a common theme in all of the scriptures that speak of asking God in prayer and that is you must believe or have faith. The Greek translation for faith is, trust or guarantee. So God gives us His guarantee to answer our prayers and we trust he will. Yet He will do this in His time, not ours, and according to scripture not our own wants or needs. So in prayer ask for help, trust he will bring His will to bear on your needs, be still and listen for God to respond, even harshly at times and be thankful, praise and honor Him, even if the answer isn't what you want it is in your best interest and according to His Word and principles. God Loves us and He wants to have a relationship with you, so He can mold your life into something spectacular. Just reach to Him in prayer and he will respond.

Lets Pray: Father God we come to you today asking first for your forgiveness Lord. Father we ask that you lift these burdens of our mistakes and replace it with your Holy Spirit Lord. We ask that you give us to the strength to live a life in honor of You Lord. This means Honoring our spouses and families also Lord. Even if we haven't done this in the past Lord, we want to begin that trek now. Show us how Lord to follow in the step of Christ Jesus. Help us understand your Word. Help us to hear those you are placing around us and to not be offended when they speak the truth to us. Lord we are but flesh and we need you to transform us into shining Christians. Lord allow us to hear you and to feel your Holy Spirit move within our lives. Father we are so blessed to be able to have a relationship with a Loving God like you. Father thank You for all that you do and Lord we praise you no matte our circumstance. We are your servants Lord, so use us in expanding your Kingdom, Lord. Father we ask all this in your sons sweet name, Jesus....AMEN.

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