
If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. I want to encourage comments and remarks, if you can associate with this blog, are not sure how to get back on the path God wants you to be, have been affected by sin, or just have questions, please comment or email me. You will never judged here, you will only find encouragement. I do not know why God has placed this BLOG and it's readers in my life, however I pray that it will help others to either help move back into the light, find some understanding or keep a family from suffering as mine has and is. I will faithfully follow through with this testament as God is using it for His glory. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Keeping Your Word

Psalm 89:34, "I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips."

This week started with a series of apologies and fixing my errors. It started with my daughter and I going to the movies on Sunday afternoon then that evening my wife reminding me I had a project to do with our daughter due Tuesday morning. I forgot the project as it was tasked to me about a month ago. Galatians 6:1-2, "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness."

Well today my daughter and I finished up the project pretty late, but I had to apologize to her and my wife forgetting for not remembering the project and having to rush to finish it. My daughter was ok with it, but my wife was a little upset and let me know real quick about it. I deserved it as I should have set a calendar appointment. 

Next I had to apologize to my daughter for something we do all the time when we go to the movies. We usually stop and get cheap snacks and sneak them into the movies to save money. Well we all know that isn’t the right thing to do or teach our child. So I asked for her to forgive me and explained why. She did not hesitate in her forgiveness. I then had to explain why we could not do that anymore. 

As Husbands and Fathers like I said before, we need to lead by example. Today I had to walk the walk and at first it was not easy, but I felt better afterwards. I will continue to strive in finding that deeper relationship with God, my Wife and my children. We must break the cycle of behaviors that are not Christ like and be continually stretching to our Father.

Lets Pray: Father God, Please forgive me for my behaviors and I ask that you keep me striving forward reaching for the light. Father Thank You for the strength to admit my mistakes and the ability to receive forgiveness. Lord Thank You for all that you do in our lives. Thank You for showing me my mistakes and allowing me to grow from them. Father hear our prayers and please grant them Lord. Father we ask this in Jesus name...AMEN.

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