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Monday, June 11, 2012

Fight for Your Marriage, God is.....

Mark 12:2-6, “At harvest time he sent a slave to the farmers to collect some of the fruit of the vineyard from the farmers. But they took him, beat him, and sent him away empty-handed. Again he sent another slave to them, and they hit him on the head and treated him shamefully. Then he sent another, and they killed that one. He also sent many others; they beat some and they killed some. He still had one to send, a beloved son. Finally he sent him to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’”

What does this scripture mean to you? To me, it's saying don't give up or give in. See in this parable God never gave up on us and he finally sent his son to resolve the issue. God wants us to fight for what we believe in, he wants us to whether whatever storm we are facing and if we do so faithfully, he will allow our victory. Matthew 16:27, “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.” So men step up, take a stand in your faith, your life and your marriage. Do not let the enemy win.

Jimmy Evans of Trinity Fellowship Church states, "You have a 100% chance of successfully restoring and keeping your marriage if you apply Gods Laws." I have addressed this in previous posts that we do not stand a chance without God in our marriage. Lets face it our way got us where we are right now. We must continue stead fast in our stance and let God arm and defend us. It is the only way you can achieve your goal of reuniting your marriage (Rom 7:2 For the married woman was bound by law to the living husband.). You must keep God first, wife second and family third.

Some things to keep in mind you must be willing to do is; Sacrifice, make time for her, avoid misconceptions, pursue her and share (Read Philippians 2). The sacrificial mentality is key, as it shows her next to God she is most important in your life. Make time for her no matter what, this reenforces her feeling important. Avoiding misconceptions like, there s no way to fall back in Love (WRONG) or that you don't have to renew your Love for each other daily. Pursue her, now this is not stalking her, this is in a gentle loving way do what you did to woo her in the first place. Meet her Love language, some of us may need to learn what those are as they do chance with time and events. Finally you must share, this was the hardest for me, as I was horrible at sharing. I didn't even have a clue at how to start sharing with her. Now I may share but at least I am making progress.

During the process if restoration you have to show the following through actions not words. You must show her security, non sexual affection, openly communicate and leadership. Security speaks for itself, it is in her DNA to look for this. The non sexual affection is like hugging, hand holding, etc..If I must explain openly communicate, look for a class in communication or learn like I had too. Its a process but you can overcome this. Leadership, spiritually and financially. If you are separated, some of these may be difficult, but take advantage of any and all opportunities and follow through. She will see this, Caution, like most women they will be waiting for the "old" you to return. So these must be permanent changes or you will not be glorifying God, you will be making a mockery of your faith. God will reward you if you follow his principles. He will restore you, though you must have faith this will happen, you must pray for this to happen and YOU must make the changes necessary for God to change her heart.

During this process you must avoid a few common pitfalls, which I have spoke about in past posts also. The enemy will place these in your path to stop you healing process as he does not want your marriage healed....The good news is God does. Both of you must stay away from criticism (Do not criticize or judge her), control issues (Do not build fences around her, let her run she will stay faithful) and emotional dominance (This is one area you can try all day long to control and you will fail. You must let her have the emotions she is going through). These destructive behaviors are often the result of justifying them through ignorance, past hurts, misguided friends or family and defensiveness.  Ignorance is lack of knowledge in healing and maintaining your marriage. Past hurts is just that, times in our past we are comparing or using to influence our current situation. Misguided friends or family, i have mentioned these before, they are people who mean well but only have a vested interest in us as individuals not the relationship. Therefore they can unwillingly speak poison into the marriage. Defensiveness, well that too speaks for itself. In times like these becoming offended is very easy and common. I recommend both reading and applying the principles of "Bait of Satan" by John Bevere. This book will save a lot of time arguing and could be the determining factor in restoring your marriage.

The most important thing to remember is God has your back. You have to let Him work and trust He will restore the covenant you have both made during your wedding (1 Corinthians 7:2, "each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.") God does not want you to divorce, however Satan counts on it. Not only to gain ground in your lives but the generational curses that begin or continue. You must be willing to change. You must let God help and guide you to restore honor back into your home (Hebrews 13:4, "Let marriage be held in honor among all"). You both must give it all to God and let Him and his emissaries work in your lives. Do not be tricked or fall victim to the enemies tricks, he has more than you can ever imagine and you will need the soldiers of God to protect you as you will fall. Standing alone trying to fight is the toughest thing you will ever do. You do not have your spouse to pick you up and encourage you, so you have to trust in God and those he has paced in your life to beat the enemy. When the war is over, you and your wife will have a stronger bond that no man or demon can penetrate as long as you make God first.

Lets Pray: Father God, we come to you today with heavy hearts for many reasons. Father first we ask that you forgive us for our sins Lord. Father we know you pour an abundant amount of blessings into our undeserving lives and Lord we are very thankful. Father God our lives are broken Lord, for those of us struggling with marriage issues we ask you touch our marriages. Lord we know you hate divorce as it says in Malachi, so we pledge to work to follow your own heart by bowing our heads, facing our demons and showing our spouses we can not only honor our covenant, but honor them as well. We must do this with You in our hearts and the Holy Spirit guiding our actions Lord. We must give our relationships and families to you Lord and we must never forget that you are in control. Lord I hope that You help those who are struggling in marriage Lord, help them reach out for assistance in restoring their relationship. Help them keep Satan at bay who seeks to destroy all that is good. Help them stop the generational curses Lord. We know that in You all can be healed and repaired. Thank You God for all that You continue to do and all that You have done. We ask all this in the name of Jesus.....AMEN.

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