
If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. I want to encourage comments and remarks, if you can associate with this blog, are not sure how to get back on the path God wants you to be, have been affected by sin, or just have questions, please comment or email me. You will never judged here, you will only find encouragement. I do not know why God has placed this BLOG and it's readers in my life, however I pray that it will help others to either help move back into the light, find some understanding or keep a family from suffering as mine has and is. I will faithfully follow through with this testament as God is using it for His glory. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I Chose the Narrow Road, Will You?

Matthew 7:13-14,  “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

This is an exact description of the events of the last seven and a half months. At every turn, I have been faced with adversity and I have chose the narrow road, why? At first I wasn't sure, but now I know that God is directing my path. Anyone can take the wide road as it is an easy path, with little resistance and worldly in nature. Yet the narrow road has been bumpy and full of surprises, some of which haven't been vary pleasant and I have fallen and stumbled. Yet I know, in the end, I choose Life and only the narrow road leads to that.

Everyday I reflect on my past, why didn't I choose God before? Why didn't I choose my wife and family before? Why didn't I choose Life before? As I pray about these questions and seek answers, I keep hearing "you wasn't ready"Now that's not saying the events of last year are justified, they are nothing more than siding with the enemy in resisting God and choosing sin. The response however baffles me, "I wasn't ready?" I wasn't ready for what? To be a true Husband, Father or Christian? Talk about provoking thought. I think what I am hearing is this, God wants me to choose the narrow road, just as he does for you. We all to often take the path more traveled then the one less traveled. Matthew 20:16, "many are called, but few are chosen." Much like the movie theater, as the crowds pour in they tend to move to the right, the line backs up. Try going to the left and see what happens. No wait and you get a much better seat in most cases. God want you to choose the left also. You see he knows all the choices I would make and all the giants I will face in my new path. He knew my biggest struggle is my wife and family, and the facing of divorce, yet he makes me stand firm instead of walk away. Why? He is bigger than all of this and this scripture explains why; Ephesians 2:10, For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].

He wants you to follow Him in your choices in life and these choices are usually against the grain of the world and full of dissent by others as they don't understand. They only know the worldly ways, not those of Christ. So how could they understand prayer can heal, Love endures ALL things and God forgives us, just as we should forgive each other? These are not the ways of the world, in which the doctors are always correct, Love is what you read about in books and forgiveness has to be earned and then it is conditional.  Choosing the narrow gate and road requires immense trust in God. Knowing HE will protect you and guide you. I know this path is full of stumbling and trouble as the enemy will make my choice very difficult. I can't say I am totally prepared, but I can say I am as prepared as possible. I give it all to God and follow in full submission with total obedience. Can you say the same? If not make that choice now. I am not saying it will be easy, in fact the stress is outlandish at times.Yet God knows just when to step in before you break. Psalm 5:11, But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You. 

As we speak, I received news that was not what I wanted to hear, but was expected. The reasons used were as I heard they would be. God told me this answer would be the one I would receive and so I knew what to expect. Does it make it easier? No, it still hurts. But I know just as God makes me look past my own pain and selfish behaviors, to become selfless, He will do the same for you. James 3:17, But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. When you face similar circumstances you will reach to Him and He will not only show you your selfish ways, but he will deliver you from them. Remember words of God are; we can, we will, we know and words of the enemy are I can't, I won't and I refuse. Life versus death, good versus evil, we versus I, God versus the enemy. Who will win in your life? To make you problems bigger than God is to say He is not big enough. Take the road less traveled, the narrow road, I can not promise and easy path, but I can promise one of selfless, Loving and much more fulfilling nature. If we fail along the way, we know we have done EVERYTHING and not just made a feeble attempt. As the attempts are what God is watching, so in our hearts we and He know exactly what has been put into it. Yesterday was yesterday, so live in today and make each attempt for Christ, for Love and for yourself. Don't follow the path of world as we will surely quit and use words of death to justify it. We honestly do not want to wander for 40 years in the wilderness, so we have no choice but to choose Him and His guidance. Numbers 14:10-12, 33,  Then the glorious presence of the Lord appeared to all the Israelites at the Tabernacle. And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them? I will disown them and destroy them with a plague." -"And your children will be like shepherds, wandering in the wilderness for forty years. In this way, they will pay for your faithlessness, until the last of you lies dead in the wilderness."

 Let's Pray:  Father God, grant us insight O Lord in your ways. Father thank you for guiding us in our daily walk Father. Forgive us as we stumble and sin Lord. Forgive us for our selfish ways and Lord show us a different way. Show us Your way. Father grant us the wisdom and understanding of your ways, while keeping us strong. Lead those of us who have gone astray or have been misled back to You Father. Lord navigate us through the narrow path. Show us your Love Father in this path so we may face the worldly obstacles in our path. Father we thank You for all that You do and ask all of this in Jesus name....AMEN.

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