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Thursday, July 19, 2012

When You are Facing Goliath

1 Samuel 17:32-33, “Don’t worry about this Philistine,” David told Saul. “I’ll go fight him!" "Don’t be ridiculous!” Saul replied. “There’s no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win! You’re only a boy, and he’s been a man of war since his youth.”

There are days I feel like the Israelites, ready to run at a moments notice, scared to death and facing what seems insurmountable odds. I believe we all have these days, yet what do we do in response to this fleeting feeling of hope? Do you give it to God? Do you Pray up? Do you get in the Word? Or do you run, scared and cowering screaming God cannot possibly get me through this and the outcome be a winning situation. Well David stood and God delivered Him just that. David was told he couldn't win, he was laughed and mocked. Yet He followed God's will and  not only single-handedly defeat one of the most feared soldiers of all time, but he also planted fear in the hearts of the Philistines who turned and ran. This is what God can do for your problem. Deuteronomy 28:7, "The LORD will conquer your enemies when they attack you."

Lately, I have many days that Life seems overwhelming. Losing my family, my job, my freedom, an unknown future alone, all of these things at once feels like I am facing a giant. Although I still have my God. I may not see Him working, I may not see the tides turning, but I know they are. I know He will do all he can and He will Love me no matter what the outcome. See I refuse to give up and say my problems are to big for Him. My FAITH is stronger than that and all of these things I face. Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Yes some days I struggle, then I am reminded of His power. We need to remind ourselves that there are many things at work against us too. We are our own worst enemy at times, then the real enemy Satan continues to lurk and then a little something called free will. All of these things will come to bear against us, especially in stressful times or in times of healing. Luke 4:13 Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.The enemy doesn't want restoration, healing or even positive attitudes. He wants broken families, broken people and broken spirits. But there is good news too, God looks for people who the enemy has broken. He picks them up, gives them hope and fixes there lives better than before. But they must believe he can do this, otherwise you are no different than the whole army of Israel, full of fear and unbelief. 

I had the opportunity to speak to two women yesterday, who came in together to McDonald's. As I reflected on the interaction, I know God was showing me many things about my own life in that interaction. First, is the direction he is taking me (Proverbs 3:6, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.), I felt alive while able to give testimony to these women and then during prayer with them. They both had their own giants to slay, yet my spirit felt moved and brighter when they left. I felt they were on their way home to allow God to work in their lives and had a renewed strength to do so. Second, I discovered that God could have left them to continue down the destructive paths of divorce and an unhealthy relationship, but I feel him move through me to show them another way, His way (Exodus 4:12, "Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.”) An alternative that is positive and healthy for all involved. Mostly the new direction was Godly and breathed life. Both of these God fearing women could have dismissed me and our conversation. Yet God shook them just a little and it was visible during that interaction. It was an amazing sight to see. Third, God showed me I am not supposed to try and fix my marriage, that is His job. Just as He used me to speak life into one yesterday, he will use others to speak into mine. I also know that these ladies chose to be open to Gods work. So God was showing me how free will can work in a positive way and not how I have experienced it as of late.
Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope

God promises victory in all things, if we just believe in Him and His ability to accomplish the task. God will work against your giant, no matter what his name is. He can defeat all enemies, yet you must give Him the chance. To do this stretch to Him, give your problems to Him and then praise Him for all that He is, does and is about to do in your life. You must have faith that your problems are not to big for our God. You must have hope that all will be brighter on the other side. The common thing here is TRUST.....Trust that our God is bigger than everything. Trust in His promises and Word. Trust that he can and will lead you in a positive direction, no matter the odds. Trust that if others forsake you, He will not. Trust that He will defend you when others fail to do so. Trust that He will not let you be hurt again. Trust that he can heal all things and His shoulders are big enough for the burdens. Trust that He Loves you. Jeremiah 17:7, "But blessed are those who TRUST in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence."

In today's prayer I am going to offer an invitation. I know not everyone who reads this is a believer and I feel I would not be following the Kingdoms plan if I do not show the lost a way to meet our Savior. So if this is the first time you prayed this prayer or just renewing your covenant with God, know that He will bless you life beyond imagination. He will heal your life, your marriage, your body. You only need to believe he can and will. Once you have prayed this prayer, I ask you to connect with a good Bible based church so that you can continue to grow in Gods plan for you. 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Let's Pray: Father God, we come to you today asking for your forgiveness. We ask that you cover us in your grace and show us Your Agape Love Father. We no longer want to walk in the darkness but we want to share in the light. Father if this is our first prayer or a reaffirmation, we Thank You for just the ability to have this time with You Father. Your son died on the cross for our sins and we praise You for a sacrifice of such  magnitude and selflessness. Father each of us are facing our own giants in this life. We can learn from you selfless acts of grace. You put your children above all, we should do the same. You put others first, we should do the same. Your Love, Forgiveness and Grace is unconditional, we should do the same. Father we truly Thank and praise You for all that is provided. Father we declare victory for all who are facing a Goliath. I declare in Jesus name, addictions cast out, sickness healed, famine are fed, marriages are restored, jobless are employed and prisoners are rehabilitated so all may follow You Lord and continue to build Your Kingdom to the Glory it is. Father we ask all of these things in Jesus name....AMEN.

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